The Klánovice children´s choir Claireton Chorale was established in 1999 in Prague by choirmaster of Prague Filharmonic Children´s Choir Světlana Tvrzická, absolvent of the grammar music school at Moscow conservatory and the Russian Gnesins Academy of Music, Faculty of conducting - choir singing. Children are conducting to get facility in choir and...
Participants List
The choir "Kameleon" was founded in September 2006 and its consists of young players between 11-16 years old.The members of the choir won together or individually many competitions.The group was awarded several times with Golden award and participated also in the 4th National festival of choirs and orchestras called Blessed John Paul II. Organised...
Kühnův dětský sbor/ přípravné oddělení
Kühnův children´s choir (founded in the year 1932 in Prague) belongs to the most known music ensembles in our country and in the European and world music scene as well.Their playing calendar is always full and there is ongoing cooperation with the National theatre, State opera and orchestras (Czech Filharmony, FOK, etc.).The choir consists of...
Dechový orchestr mladých při ZUŠ Chotěboř
The Youth Brass Band of the Music School in Chotěboř is nowadays formed by more than 60 young musicians under the baton of Mgr Milan Moc (the director of the school) and Mgr Alois Štěrba (the orchestra leader). The band has been for a long time the integral part of the cultural life not only in its region but it...
Kapela Seiftiú
Kapela Seiftiú vznikla před dvěma lety na poli Biskupského gymnázia Bohuslava Balbína v Hradci Králové. Je inspirovaná folklórní (slovenskou a českou) a irskou hudbou. Od toho i samotný název- Seiftiú znamená v irštině improvizace.
DREAM OF VOICE female chorus
Founded in September 2008, the DREAM OF VOICE female chorus from the Affiliated High School, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China is a friendly, cooperative and music-seeking family where all the members are from this school with great talents for music and strong enthusiasm for singing. Young and pretty, the kids are living and growing in this...
Stručné představení souboru: Harmonie Pardubice je dobrovolné sdružení občanů, jejichž předmětem zájmu je pokračování v tradici dechové hudby v Pardubicích, propagace a popularizace dechové hudby, interpretace klasických dechových děl českých autorů a také interpretace vážné i populární hudby českých a zahraničních autorů v transkripcích pro...
Beijing Yu Yuan Tan Middle School brass band
Beijing Yu Yuan Tan Middle School brass band set up from new year of 1994, with 70member.
It becomes a student music group with influence and the art activity provided opportunity for students to enjoy healthy and aesthetic feeling.
The group played many programs during years, held a "The Forever Military Tattoo "concert under the directing by...
Dechový orchestr Junior Praha
Dechový orchestr JUNIOR působí při Základní umělecké škole v Praze 10 - Hostivaři. Věkový průměr hráčů se pohybuje okolo 21 let. Orchestr se zaměřuje především na interpretaci tradiční české dechovky. Kromě známých i méně známých skladeb autorů, kteří jsou dnes již považováni za klasiky tohoto žánru, nechybějí ale v...
CuiWei Primary School Brass Band -Establish in 1996
Gain 5 times First Prize of Beijing Student Art Festival from 2003
Gain First Prize of Primary school level of Beijing Student Art Festival in 2010
Invited by China Central Television for Performance
Invited for performance in Beijing International Brass Band Festival,
Participant the culture exchange...