Review of year 2014
2014 Annual Report
During the year 2014, ICA succeeded in the organization of the Vltava International Choir Festival during the 3rd year of the ICAFEST events, also as a continuation of the International Youth Art Festival series, re-organized and re-named in order to face youth and adults. The festival took place in winter 2014 and hosted participants from the Czech Republic and China. More information about the festival you can find on www.icafest.com.
In the meantime, ICA helped to organize a participation trip of the of Tianjin University and Shenzhen High school choirs to the World Choir Game 2014 in Riga, Latvia.
The ongoing culture exchange program had been going steadily: visits, meetings, exchange programs were held between middle Europe (Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Holland, Slovenia, Czech Republic) and China, covering areas of culture, health care, industry, education, agriculture, banking, religion and other.
ICA participated in the receiving of the famous Chinese writer JEN LIEN-KCHE,
the prizewinner of the Kafka Literary Prize in Prague.
ICA negotiated with the China Literary magazine about Writers' Residence Program, and negotiated about choices of professionals for a visionary exhibition programs.
Shrnutí činnosti ICA o.s.za rok 2014
V roce 2014 ICA navazuje již třetím rokem na úspěšnou festivalovou sérii ICAFEST, tentokráte pod hlavičkou Vltava International Choir Festival, která zahrnuje dospělé, mládežnické i dětské sbory. Festival se koná v zimě roku 2014 a hostí sbory z České Republiky a Číny. Pro vice informací jděte na www.icafest.com.
V souvislosti s čínskými sbory ICA organizuje cestu a účast dvou čínských sborů (sbor university Tianjin a sbor střední školy Shenzen) na World Choir Games 2014 v Rize, Lotyšsku.
Činnost ICA na poli mezikulturní výměny pokračuje i v tomto roce. ICA pořádá jednání mezi subjekty zejména ze střední Evropy (Česká Republika, Slovenská Republika, Německo, Rakousko, Polsko, Maďarsko, Holandsko, Slovinsko) a Číny z rozmanitých oblastí a oborů jako jsou kultura, zdravotní péče, průmysl, vzdělávání, bankovnictví, náboženství a další.
ICA se podílí na přijetí známého čínského spisovatele JEN LIEN-KCHE, který jako laureát ceny Franze Kafky přijíždí cenu převzít do Prahy.
ICA jedná s čínským literárním magazínem o programu residenčních pobytů pro čínské spisovatele v Praze, a mimo jiné s vizualizuje další možné projekty profesionálů z oblasti umění.
-During the year 2014, ICA succeeded in the organization of the Vltava International Choir Festival during the 3rd year of the ICAFEST events, also as a continuation of the International Youth Art Festival series, re-organized and re-named in order to face youth and adults. The festival took place in winter 2014 and hosted participants from the Czech Republic and China. More information about the festival you can find on www.icafest.com.
In the meantime, ICA helped to organize a participation trip of the of Tianjin University and Shenzhen High school choirs to the World Choir Game 2014 in Riga, Latvia.
The ongoing culture exchange program had been going steadily: visits, meetings, exchange programs were held between middle Europe (Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Holland, Slovenia, Czech Republic) and China, covering areas of culture, health care, industry, education, agriculture, banking, religion and other.
ICA participated in the receiving of the famous Chinese writer JEN LIEN-KCHE,
the prizewinner of the Kafka Literary Prize in Prague.
ICA negotiated with the China Literary magazine about Writers' Residence Program, and negotiated about choices of professionals for a visionary exhibition programs.